Marriage, Not Dating 2014

Daftar episode 1 ep 9, you can pocket keep a plan to get. Version 9, not dating ep 13 gooddrama sunrises or even she stops. One of the best things about this drama is that it didn’t try to inject that separation storyline for too long. When it happened, it felt necessary and organic. Now that they’re together, its more about mending each other’s families and hopefully having everyone accept their relationship. I really do hope Jang-mi’s mom will be cured and that it would serve as a means for her to reflect on her choices.

I didn’t really expect them to find their way to each other right away and I actually like how they both had to struggle through a few things before they were really ready to be together. The issues are so realistic and this drama has done a wonderful job of making this relationship feel earned. And finally Jang-mi and Ki-tae who are just getting more awesome per episode – like that’s even possible. I love the way they dealt with the break up, and how Ki-tae ended up telling her so simply that he loves her. The role reversals are fabulous and I’m really excited for the direction the last three episodes is taking.

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I was initially confused at the end of this episode because I just assumed they would date, and it never occurred to me that Ki-tae would want to marry soon. I guess I totally missed that whole switching-roles thing even though I knew at some point their characters would go that way. That Chicken PPL was epic, and I was craving for some as I was watching lol. Dramas need to get creative like that; it drives the point home without driving viewers nuts.

I enjoyed this episode especially when KT was going to the naughty place in his mind. The fast strip and the shower scene with sound effects was hilarious. Sure, the second leads are annoying as hell in the previous episodes. To me, she’s just an extra, useless character that added no meaning to the show AT ALL. Finally, all the push-and-pull crap is over!

The Heavenly Idol ( Episode 9

And her little smirks behind Gi Tae and Jang Mi’s backs tell us that she is having more fun than she’s probably had in her entire life playing their game. And really, we can see near the end that we thought it was Gi Tae and Jang Mi’s game, but really, it’s been Mom’s game all along. In fact, this show is not so much a show about our OTP, but about Gi Tae’s mom, and what it means to be a mom. Which is why I cannot understand how completely obsessed I became with this show. I’ve watched all the episodes 3-4 times, and dragged real life friends into it so I could talktalktalk about the plot and the metaphors and the directing choices, etc, etc.

His face falls when he opens it to see Se-ah, and he doesn’t seem to take much interest in her plan for how to sue the blogger and get his practice back on track. She asks how long he’s just going to sit there, but he says he’s never been more at peace—he always thought he had to keep going to be better, more perfect, just more. He calls the shop and plugs his nose to disguise his voice, and fumbles to stay anonymous as he orders ten chickens for delivery to a nearby park. She packs them up happily and a man on a bench claims to have ordered the chickens. She counts her money cheerily before riding away, and Ki-tae pokes his head out from behind a tree, pleased with himself.

But it gave me something more than that. Where understanding and respect are needed as much as love. Not even at the beginning of the episode… They waited until the literal 59th minute to throw cancer in there. This is the most unnecessary Cancer in the history of Unnecessary Cancer!

Nothing much to say about this episode, words aren’t enough to say how much I love them esp that phone convo between mom and his son. Firstly I think the father is even more of an [email protected]#$#@! And at least the mistress is starting to look uncomfortable in front of Ki-tae’s mother.. Obviously the father cares more for his career.. And I don’t think I would have wasted rice wine on him.. Maybe some tomato sauce or something..

But Ki-tae jumps in to say that they aren’t going to be married—they’re only going to date. Hearing it come out of Ki-tae’s mouth like that seems to shake Jang-mi, and Mom scoffs even harder, if that’s possible. He was so good on paper – believed all the right things, passionate about my same interests, all that. Had a lot of attractive little things that are nice to have, but not necessities – spoke other languages, amazing singer, great cook, tall, european roots and citizenship… Maybe a little too much tbh, felt like I was on a pedastol sometimes and he wasn’t seeing the real me with all my flaws. Aww, for what its worth, many Christians like myself meet their spouse in a very unlikely situation.

Marriage Not Dating: Episode 15

This is one of the very rare shows where I actually liked most of the characters (except KT’s sleazebag dad of course). KHS can show inner turmoil with the slightest nuanced facial expressions. I was sobbing for them both in happiness. It amazed me how with no words he was able to say how much he loved both JM and his mother. Loved, loved, loved the drinking scene between Gi Tae’s mom and Jang mi. They’ve become best of pals and business partners and it’s great to see.

Its not even trying to be makjang that bit just mirrors life when everything goes too smooth life just has to kick you hard sometimes. Reminds me of Siwon’s appa accident scene in reply97. Sometimes it takes a tragic event for you to see how muchyou love someone. This show is awesome.They really do succeed in pulling the right notes
The romantic family drama in its greatest format.

I think this drama has ruined me for good. Now I want every other drama to be as cute and heartfelt and funny and poignant as this. And I want every other OTP in any other dramas to have that same sizzling chemistry like Han Groo and Yeon Woo Jin have. Yeah, it really genuinely feels like friends are moving away forever and all I have left is home-videos of them LOL.

That’s all a rom-com needs, a solid couple to root for. Everything else (no matter how infuriating they get) is just extra noise. This episode had a bit more of the noble idiocy than I cared for, but it appears that is finally over and done with, so now we can start getting to the real issues at hand.

Marriage, Not Dating 2014
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