The process to develop the 1992 Guide was considered to be revolutionary in food guide history

The process to develop the 1992 Guide was considered to be revolutionary in food guide history

Information was assembled from experts, consumers, literature reviews, food consumption surveys, consumer research, and commissioned scientific reviews. Consultation was an integral part of the process.


A number of Food Guide materials were created, the most popular being the Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating tearsheet. A 16-page booklet intended to help consumers to understand and use the Food Guide was also developed. Two additional resources were produced to help educators and communicators use Canada’s Food Guide to promote healthy eating among preschool children aged two to five years, and children aged 6 to 12 years. As in earlier days, resources were developed in both French and English. An important change was the availability of the Food Guide and its accompanying support materials through the internet. In fact, Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating consistently was the most popular destination on the Health Canada Web site.

The front side of Canada’s Food Guide 1992 includes a rainbow with four arcs each representing a food group with images of foods and key messages.

  • Canada’s Food Guide to healthy eating for people four years and over
  • Eat a variety of foods from each food group every day.
  • Choose lower-fat foods more often.

The largest arc of the rainbow is yellow and represents the Grain products food group. Foods depicted include a variety of breads (for example, pita bread and whole wheat bread), hot and cold cereals, pastas, rice and baked goods such as a muffin and pancakes.

  • Choose whole grain and enriched products more often.

The second largest arc of the rainbow is green and represents the Vegetables and Fruit group. Foods depicted include fresh vegetables such as broccoli, leafy vegetables and a salad, fresh fruit such as an apple, a banana and berries. It also includes frozen vegetables, canned vegetables and fruits, orange juice and dried fruit.

  • Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often.

The third arc of the rainbow is blue and represents the Milk Products food group. Foods depicted include fresh, powdered and canned milk, cheeses, yogurts and ice cream.

  • Choose lower-fat milk products more often.

The fourth and smallest rainbow band is red and represents the Meat and Alternatives food group. The foods depicted include processed meats, cooked turkey, different types of red meat, fresh and canned fish, tofu, an egg, canned beans and a peanut butter jar. At the bottom of the band it states: Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often.

The back page of the 1992 Food Guide provides specific numbers of servings and serving sizes for each food group.

In addition, Food Guide Facts – Background for Educators and Communicators was developed to shaadi assist educators in teaching and disseminating information about the Guide

Grain products: 5 to 12 servings per day. Examples of one serving are 1 slice of bread; 30 grams of cold cereal and; 175 millilitres (3/4 cup) of hot cereal. Examples of two servings are one bagel, pita or bun; 250 millilitres (1 cup) of pasta or rice.

Vegetables and fruit: 5 to 10 servings per day. Examples of one serving are one medium size vegetable or fruit such as an apple or a carrot; 125 millilitres (1/2 cup) of fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit; 250 millilitres (1 cup) of salad or; 125 milliliters (1/2 cup) of juice.

Milk Products: Children 4 to 9 years: 2 to 3 servings per day. Youth 10 to 16 years: 3 to 4 servings per day. Adults: 2 to 4 servings per day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 3 to 4 servings. Examples of one serving are 250 millilitres (1 cup); 50 grams of cheese, equivalent to a piece measuring 3 inches by 1 inch by 1 inch or 2 slices of processed cheese; 175 milliliters (3/4 cup) of yogurt.

The process to develop the 1992 Guide was considered to be revolutionary in food guide history

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